Signs Of Gaining Muscle For Females

Signs Of Gaining Muscle For Females

woman holding black weight plate

Building muscle (especially for women) can be a hard and very long process. You can stick to a routine pretty consistently and for a few months and still not notice any obvious signs of muscle gain. Given this experience, it may be tempting to give up due to not seeing any progress despite all your hard work. However, there are some more subtle signs that you are on the right path. Without further ado, here are some subtle signs of gaining muscle for females.

Signs You Are Gaining Muscle

  1. You are getting stronger. The most easy and obvious sign that you are gaining muscle is if you are are lifting heavier weights now than before. Or if you are doing more reps or more sets with the same given weights for each exercise.
  2. Your face looks slimmer even though your weight stays the same or if it goes up. Actually, this would be an even way to tell you’re gaining muscle than the previous point. Because muscle is more dense than fat, it is possible to have a smaller frame and slimmer body while carrying more weight. This sign paired with the first would be enough to tell that you are in fact gaining muscle.
  3. People notice. Sometimes, the people around you notice the changes in your body before even you do. It may be weird, but if a few people compliment you or make comments about your difference and appearance, it may be a sign that you’re gaining muscle.
  4. Your posture is better. If you are lifting weights properly and don’t neglect any part of your body, and your back is getting the attention it deserves, then your posture will naturally get better. This is because the muscles in your back support an upright posture and pulls your shoulders back and down. If you notice this sign, at the very least, your upper back has gotten stronger and is likely a sign that you’re gaining muscle
  5. Your appetite has increased. The last sign of gaining muscle is that you’re more hungry more often. Since muscles are “metabolically expensive” and requires more calories to maintain and to perform. If you notice a spike in hunger levels, your body may be adjusting to the new muscle mass added on to your frame.

But What If You’re Not Experiencing These Signs of Muscle Gain?

  • First, make sure you’re actually going to the gym consistently. Showing up is half the battle and consistency is the cornerstone of successful habits
  • Second, make sure your lifting technique is on point and your form is good. With that being said, ask yourself if you are actually working hard enough and if you are actually challenging yourself enough(consistently). How can you tell if you’re training hard enough? If you can repeat a given workout with the same intensity and effort on the same day, then you’re not going hard enough.
  • Third, make sure you are recovering enough after each workout. Especially after hard workouts. The muscle gain happens when you are resting, not during your workouts. If you don’t give yourself enough time to recover, then you’re not giving your body enough time to gain muscle. Ask yourself these questions. Do you eat enough calories and protein? Do you sleep enough? Do you keep life stress at a minimum? Do you drink enough water? If you can’t answer yes on these, you have some work to do.

That’s it! These are the main signs of gaining muscle for females(and males too). If you experience any of the above signs, then you can be sure that you’re on track for muscle gain. And for whatever reason that you’re not, then make sure you’re actually going to the gym consistently. Check if you are training hard enough consistently. Then, be sure that you are recovering enough consistently. If you do all these 3 things, then it’s only a matter of time before you start to gain some muscle. If however, you still struggle to put a proper workout plan together, this free training program is a great place to start.